Financials, Analytics, Forecasting, Metrics Kevin Ertell Financials, Analytics, Forecasting, Metrics Kevin Ertell

How are Sales Forecasts Like Baby Due Dates?

Q. How are sales forecasts like baby due dates.

A. They both provide an improper illusion of precision and cause considerable consternation when they’re missed.

Our daughter was born perfectly healthy almost two weeks past her due date, but every day past that less than precisely accurate due date was considerably more frustrating for my amazing and beautiful wife. While her misery was greater than many of us endure in retail sales results meetings, we nonetheless experience more misery than necessary due to improperly specific forecast numbers creating unrealistic expectations.

I believe there’s a way to continue to provide the planning value of a sales forecast (and baby due dates) while reducing the consternation involved in the almost inevitable miss of the predictions generated today.

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